High-Frequent Subjects and Tests Analysis of GRE Writing GRE写作高频题目及考点精析 By Yan Yuzhen; Wang Gengwei; Chen Qi 颜余真;王耕伟;陈琦
The book contains 5 chapters The first chapter answers the frequently asked questions in writing of GRE the second categorizes 10 specific instructions following the themes of test library which is the theoretical innovation of the book the third chapter is on the basis of 700 compositions of students practice which summarize and categorize the writing issues in test the fourth aims to the standard of GRE writing and each item has its corresponding Chinese translation key points and detailed analysis around the test the last is the core of the whole which thoroughly explains the real intention of question setting contained in specific instructions giving 40 classic samples with Chinese translations GRE GRE GRE 10 700 GRE 6 Issue 4 8 Argument 40 High Frequent Subjects and Tests Analysis of GRE Writing GRE
High-Frequent Subjects and Tests Analysis of GRE Writing GRE写作高频题目及考点精析 By Yan Yuzhen; Wang Gengwei; Chen Qi 颜余真;王耕伟;陈琦 |
7553655368 |
9787553655369 |
English |
190 |
Paperback |