Mao's Great Famine (The Macat Library) By John Wagner Givens

Mao's great famine book

It could force China s current leaders to reevaluate Mao swhole generation and the first three decades of the CCP s rule Itcould even undermine the legitimacy of the CCP as it exists today 9781351354240

Mao's Great Famine (The Macat Library) By John Wagner Givens
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The power of Frank Dikotter s ground breaking work on the disaster that followed China s attempted Great Leap Forward lies not in the detail of his evidence though that shows that Mao s fumbled attempt at rapid industrialization probably cost 45 million Chinese lives It stems from the exceptional reasoning skills that allowed Dikotter to turn years of researching in obscure Chinese archives into a compelling narrative of disaster.

Mao's great famine pdf

Why Does Mao s Great Famine Matter The People s Republic of China is one of the most important politicalstrategic and economic players in the world It may be the world snext superpower Yet it is still governed by the Chinese CommunistParty CCP This is the same CCP that created the Great LeapForward and the famine that followed Dik tter holds it responsiblefor the deaths of 45 million people. Epub mao's great famine book That single statistic the number of premature deaths for the years1958 to 1962 is the easiest way to understand the human cost of theGreat Leap Forward and the Great Chinese Famine Previous estimatesgenerally ranged from 15 million based on official Chinese statisticsto scholarly calculations of around 30 million 6 While these are alreadystaggering numbers Dik tter argues that the true figure must be atleast 45 million and possibly much greater By describing howpeople lost their lives in dozens of separate incidents and places andscaling the figures to the size of the nation Dik tter adds methodicallyand persuasively another 15 to 30 million to the accepted death toll. Book mao's great famine summary Chen Yizi a senior party official who helped compile a massivereport on the Maoist era but fled China after the Tiananmen Squaremassacre agreed with this number 7 While previous understandings ofthe Great Chinese Famine saw it as less of a catastrophe Dik tterplaces it on a par with tragedies such as the Cambodian Genocide 1975 9 which saw as many as three million murdered the Sovietfamine of 1932 3 in the course of which agricultural reforms led tothe deaths of millions by starvation and even the Holocaust of WorldWar II during which some 11 million people some 6 million ofwhom were Jewish were murdered. Mao's great famine kindle unlimited Since Mao several generations of leaders have come and gone andthe CCP s policies have changed almost entirely Still the party tracesits roots back to the fight against Japanese occupation during WorldWar II It also looks back to its victory in the Chinese Civil War aconflict fought between the CCP and the nationalist Kuomintang KMT to decide the ideological and economic nature of China sgovernment These key events in party history link the CCP to Maoand his generation of leaders including Deng Xiaoping who set theparty on its current path after the death of Mao The CCP has managedto stay in power partly through airbrushing or ignoring the mistakes ofthe Mao era. Ebook mao's great famine book Since Mao s death the CCP has claimed that Chairman Mao was70 percent right and 30 percent wrong 8 Mao s Great Famine forces anobservant reader to drastically reevaluate these percentages It alsocompels us to ask if Mao and his colleagues should join the ranks ofhistory s most infamous despots and mass murderers As this viewspreads and above all to link two subjects that had been treated as distinct by most of his the extent of the crisis in the countryside and the actions hence the responsibility of the senior Chinese leadership. Mao's great famine ebook free download In Dikotter s view ultimate responsibility for the catastrophe lies at the door of Mao Zedong himself the Chairman conceived and ordered the policies that led to the famine and he did nothing to reverse them or limit the damage that was being wrought when evidence for their disastrous impact reached him Dikotter s ability to persuade his readers of the fundamental truth of these arguments despite his admission that his access to sources was necessarily limited and incomplete together with the clear structure of his presentation combine to produce a work that has had enormous influence on perceptions of Mao and of the Great Leap Forward itself Mao s Great Famine The Macat Library Mao's Great Famine (The Macat Library).