The Art of War (Chinese Edition) 孙子兵法(精)/中华经典名著全本全注全译丛书 By Chen Xi 陈曦

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The Art of War (Chinese Edition) 孙子兵法(精)/中华经典名著全本全注全译丛书 By Chen Xi 陈曦
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The 13 articles of Sun Tsu s The Art of War involves military theory and practice with the content of extensive knowledge and profound scholarship deep thought and rigorous logic The book is not only the treasure of military cultural heritage in ancient China but also an important part of excellent tradional Chinese culture The book uses Mr Yang Bingan s Amendment and Annotation of Eleven Masters on Sun Tsu as the master copy absorbs the excellent achievements of collation and explanatory notesboth ancient and modern and noted in full with wealthy bits of information and elaborate explanations especially in which Sun Tzu thinking is elucidated against the Pre Qin philosophers and culture with a lot of new theories or opinions The Art of War Chinese Edition The Art of War (Chinese Edition) 孙子兵法(精)/中华经典名著全本全注全译丛书.