From Religion to Science: The Beckoning Bridge Many Find Difficult or Impossible to Cross By Lawrence Wood

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Have you ever wondered Why two diametrically opposite explanations of ourselves Religion and Science coexist As this book explains the reason is one explanation began before the other The first explanation s development began thousands of years ago when our gradually evolving brains and minds awoke to an unknown possibly threatening environment Unfortunately attempts to explain this strange environment were frustrated by illusions such as the apparent motion of the sun moon and stars around the earth which clouded our limited observational capability such as our inability detect constant motion thwarting the developing human mind s ability to correctly explain observations These limitations ultimately led to a totally incorrect explanation we reside in a very small young unchanging universe revolving about us created by a supernatural being God a belief system termed Religion About 500 years ago the formulation of the second explanation was initiated when astute investigators such as Copernicus and Galileo using improved new observation instruments such as the telescope and microscope began to realize the existing illusion based religious explanations could not possibly be correct Author Lawrence Wood introduces the brilliant investigators who resolved the illusions by developing radically new explanations of the illusions an explanation system termed Science many still cannot accept hence the coexistence of religion and science If you are one of those trying to bridge the gulf between your religious beliefs which have become increasingly difficult to accept and the strange new world of science this book will help you immeasurably From Religion to Science The Beckoning Bridge Many Find Difficult or Impossible to CrossI learned that life started with two elements namely a single cell which could reproduce itself and a multicellular life which is through sexual reproduction That means that DNA aready originated as life began However I also learned that proteins are needed for life s existence and were responsible for creating new genes for evolution It s interested to note that since no two genomes are identical as humans DNA is what differentiates us We all have unique DNA s therefore we should never compare ourselves with others That s why being pro life is important Interesting book 414 I won this book via Goodreads First Reads I am an ECE administrator and I look forward to adding this book to the lending library for parents and staff at my school 414 Awesome book jam packed with information I learned that illusions depend on the perspectives on how you see things We feel that the earth is steady but it is rotating The axial rotation of the earth makes it appear that the sun and planets are moving but they are not The planets and the constellations that surround it look like they are in movement but it is because of the earth rotating It s comforting to note that despite these illusions the moon rises every evening after the sun sets Daylight never fails to transpire in the mornings 414 The book talks about the history of how humans evolved The author was very objective about the disparity between science and religion and he was very specific about historical facts Although science and religion will never meet eye to eye they are both very helpful I believe whatever religious views a person us is to be respected Scientists also are there to find new discoveries and evidence Overall we are here on earth for a greater purpose Each of us have our own DNA with unique gifts and talents I learned so much after reading this book 414 Life started on Earth 3 billion years ago It took 2 billion years to go from single cell organisms to multi cell algae It was 100 million years between fish and amphibians Cognition the ability to think and come up with explanations for things started just 70000 years ago Like everything else the process was slow Religion got a big head start on science as a way to understand the world around us So much so that religion was deeply rooted in our collective understanding long before there was any science to support of refute it It isn t surprising then that when science did start it met with aggressive resistance from what was already well established religion Galileo was forced to recant by the Catholic church Still the cat was out of the bag and science continued to observe the world and compare notes. George truett science and religion book To this day religious leaders feel threatened by science and fight back against the tide of facts But do they really need to Doctor Lawrence Wood examines that question as well as the 3 billion year history of creation in From Religion To Science Growing up a deeply religious person himself he shows a respect for religious beliefs that you don t expect to find a man of science He shows that religion and science do not have to be diametrically opposed As a scientist he doesn t assert religion to be true but he does assert that science does not disprove God entirely Science can in fact be the study of God s work. From religion to science ebook download This is a source book of information and a very good one It leaves the conclusions to you the reader and just gives you the facts As far as I know there s no other book like it to compare If you are interested in an in depth look the relationship between religion and science this is the go to book 414 Very detailed and thorough book I was so engrossed with the findings that scientists didn t realize that magnetism and electricity were connected These were discovered through lightning and magnetism which proved to be a breakthrough in terms of discovery We are aware that electricity is invisible and can only be detectable by its effects but they come in positive and negative charges Thanks to the inventors and physicists who shaped the way we understand electricity because it is a necessity in our life I read this book in one sitting and took down notes as well 414 My son is a scientist and this book made me understand his world All material objects consisting of plants rocks and animals are considered to be solid Although we can t see atoms they still exist I felt like I was back in school learning again about solid matter which contains four forms namely liquid gas water and solid matters It s interesting to note that during this era alchemists discovered elements of aether plus sulfur representing the metals mercury and salt which could transform one element into another by rearranging its basic qualities Chemistry was founded during that time 414 As I poured through Lawrence H Wood s From Religion to Science one word came to mindcomprehensive Perhaps the word complex fits here as well Wood speaks knowledgably and with detail about a range of scientific topics and includes helpful figures to help the reader trace his path. Science and religion book Rooted in history Wood makes his case for science and also begins his thoughtful story grounded in his own experiences Wood draws on a number of sources in his discussion and the writing here is clear and appropriately accessible. Epub from religion to science free download As a believer I found the work intriguing As a reader who can appreciate multiple perspectives as well as work grounded in research I also found the work compelling From Religion to Science is quite a reading experience and quite an accomplishment as a written text 414 Excellent premise dismal execution Wood tackles the lofty labour of gathering into one place all the evidence supporting evolution the big bang theory and quantum and astro physics and explaining how these theories arose through centuries of scientific discoveries out of a society that originally believed in a geo centric universe with a young earth populated through spontaneous generation The book is loaded with tables graphs references and appendices It would be a great resource if it wasn t also loaded with errors Spelling mistakes Run on sentences Incomplete sentences That s not even the worst of it Chapter nine discusses the final resolution of the solid earth illusion the idea that objects are made up of solid materials instead of what they are actually made up of which is mostly the empty space separating the particles in atoms Wood spends no few pages of this book on atoms and particles and how they affect each other getting into nuclear decay towards the end of chapter nine as preparation for later chapters Several tables are included so the reader can easily grasp what happens when a nucleus with so many protons neutrons and electrons emits some configuration of them There is supposed to be an example table followed by several tables breaking down nuclear decay for specific elements like Uranium 238 or Carbon 14 Unfortunately what s actually presented is the same example table three times This happens SEVERAL TIMES over the course of the book And no before you ask it s not self published Honestly even if it had been self published I would have expected better editing Wood does a respectable job of explaining some very complicated concepts and tidily packaging widely varied scientific advancements connecting them in a manner that seems logical flowing from topic to topic But the errors really detracted from my enjoyment of the book 414

From Religion to Science: The Beckoning Bridge Many Find Difficult or Impossible to Cross By Lawrence Wood
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From Religion to Science: The Beckoning Bridge Many Find Difficult or Impossible to Cross.