Book Møt meg i moolawatana
Yvind Kvernvold Myhre er en norsk forfatter av science fiction og fantastisk litteratur I en periode p 1970 tallet var han forfatter og redakt r for det norske science fiction magasinet Nova yvind Myhre utga ogs fantazinet GANDALF Han var i en tid tilknyttet milj et rundt tidsskriftet Ideer om frihet Flere av b kene hans dr fter politiskteoretiske sp rsm l utfra et libertariansk perspektiv som for eksempel romanen Makt fra 1983 der forfatteren fors ker svare p hvordan statsmakten kunne oppst Selv omtaler han seg som en overbevist og konsekvent libertarianer yvind Myhre er utdannet som sivilingeni r i teknisk fysikk fra Norges Tekniske H gskole Myhre har arbeidet som systemkonsulent systemsjef og salgssjef i IBM yvind Kvernvold Myhre er en norsk forfatter av science fiction og fantastisk litteratur I en periode p 1970 tallet var han forfatter og redakt r for det norske science fiction magasinet Nova yvind Myhre utga ogs fantazinet GANDALF Han var i en tid tilknyttet milj et rundt tidsskriftet Ideer om frihet Flere av b kene hans dr fter politiskteoretiske sp rsm l utfra et libertariansk perspektiv som for eksempel romanen Makt fra 1983 der forfatteren fors ker svare p hvordan statsmakten kunne oppst Selv omtaler han seg som en overbevist og konsekvent libertarianer yvind Myhre er utdannet som sivilingeni r i teknisk fysikk fra Norges Tekniske H gskole Myhre har arbeidet som systemkonsulent systemsjef og salgssjef i IBM site_link Virker som Myhre har g tt litt lei eller mistet gl den To pluss Hardcover Reality has beauty spots be mindful of which ones are benign and which are not short stories whose windows to the otherworldly are ever so slightly ajar. Book Møt meg i moolawatanaa One of the most significant characteristics of fantastical fiction is that it has the ability to supersede reality and because of this it is able to sate a need which very many people have specifically the need to expand upon our personal horizons It is a need for knowledge but not necessarily for correct knowledge Exploring the life of a unicorn is perhaps even fascinating than the exploration of that of a horse Reality binds it is fact based Fantasy allows us to shape this knowledge ourselves there is no reason to heed reality when we dream of the one horned equines This is the same want which makes us long for a magic wand and with it the ability to make the world around us respond to our wishes Of course that doesn t mean we will believe in everything which our fantasies present us how would we know reality from the unreal if we did So many tales of otherworldly or above worldly heroes and their escapades are ones that cannot be believed just longed for However there is a border between the factual and the unbelievable a place where the fantastical is not so fantastical that we re unwilling to call it fact or at least to seriously consider whether we just might do that despite our doubts a genre often called magical realism This collection of short stories balance on this very border From there it explores that temptation we feel when faced with claims that are barely out of touch with what we feel comfortable to accept as true Often the protagonists themselves are left to doubt what they have witnessed and we re left with that spark inside us that says of course it is just a book this is just someone s imagination put to print at best this would be nothing but superstition but wouldn t it be just that bit exiting to be alive if some of this was true after all The tale which the book lends its title from M t meg i Moolawatana Meet Me in Moolawatana is the first tale about the protagonist who the Australian locals call Erwin those who are native speakers of Norwegian might recognize that this could be an Anglicised version of yvind the given name of the author and thus it is not unlikely that the protagonist is an author surrogate a writer and journalist who has spent his last days in the inhospitable Simpson Desert As he quits it aiming for civilization a bed and the invigorating nectar which is the local beer he encounters a hitchhiker near a sign that says Moolawatana ca 30 miles Moolawatana such a melodious name with such a flow of emotion latent within itself waiting to be unleashed as it is enunciated Yes there is magic in a name In the way it is hummed whispered spat out in the thoughts moods emotions of the one who speaks the name p 7 reviewer s own translation The hitchhiker s name is Anya and she knows the song about Moolawatana the one that the barkeeper Eddie wrote about meeting someone there the haunting melody how it twists the name just right to make an impression on the listener or on the speaker how it unleashes the magic inherent in itself the spell was cast and so they met when they could not have Two restless travellers briefly crossed paths that never crossed yet both left the encounter stung by the sense of something important a mirage surely but too great to be one and much too impactful or maybe its impact was so strong merely because he wished it to be Erwin yvind returns in the story Sasquatch which concerns itself with the search for the tall hairy and legendary hominid of Northern America During his travels in Alaska Erwin meets a man who is as steady as a fir tree in his conviction that the legend is than just that Gordon Machan Manly is his name and after years of travels collecting stories from those who say they have encountered the creature he has finally come across a tip which seems not only reliable but also promises to lead him to one of their dens and what is even exiting is that it is promised to be an inhabited one Gordon plans to spend the winter there to observe it and document once and for all that everything he has believed for so long is actually real That is his dream to finally show images and recordings of a sasquatch maybe even some fur This prospect captivates Erwin but not without reservation A queer feeling seeped into me A mixture of elation and some kind of disappointment Because if Gordon did solve this mystery then the world would be impoverished of yet another tantalizing secret a little impoverished of wonder p 136 reviewer s own translation Nevertheless he needs to follow up on this mystery his need to explore the borders between what is and what which is not real drives him back to Alaska He may be conflicted about it but he needs to know what Gordon found. Møt meg i MOOLAWATANA book 3 The other six stories in Meet Me in Moolawatana all have this trait in common They are all infused with an enchantment that pulls both reader and protagonist towards an area of the unknown that is not entirely impossible And Myhre has gone to great lengths to try to entice us into thinking that this area of uncertainty deserves our attention For example in Ormen The Serpent we are presented with the idea of a lake serpent based closely on a lesser known myth from Eastern Norway Here the author presents in great detail the surrounding area the mountains forests roads the lake itself he even introduces us to local myths of goblins and witches that were known almost exclusively to the inhabitants of the nearby villages and farms By presenting everything about the place in a way that is as close to reality as possible Myhre brings the possibility of the beast s existence that much closer to what we perceive as real Thus it equally increases the likelihood of the reader experiencing curiosity interest or perhaps even some hope regarding whether it is real or not The idea of such a serpent is a fascinating one likely the reader will wish for it to be true Other stories like the one named Nyarlathotep goes for the opposite Anyone familiar with the works of Lovecraft will be familiar with the Outer God which we humans know as Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos an entity of dread and madness No one wants it to be real any than they want Michael Myers to be but Myhre repeats the trick and curiosity again grips us By bringing the Messenger of the Other Gods as close to reality as possible interestingly in the process taking one of the most fantastical of horror mythos and placing it into a piece of magical realism literature we find ourselves that much affected by that question of real versus unreal We d rather it was the idea of an imaginative mind but what if it isn t It is a bothersome curiosity but a real one nevertheless. Møt meg i moolawatanaut Many seem to think that Myhre primarily writes books for young adults but that is often not the case Meet Me in Moolawatana seems to this reviewer to have most to give to an experienced and reflected reader This mostly because it is the implications of the stories rather than the stories by themselves which is the real profit from this book It is a great study both of the usefulness of employing magical realism as a genre when wanting to make things beyond the real feel real and of how to present those kinds of superstitions that people scoff at in a way that is not experienced as silly or involuntarily comedic It is clearly a book for the select taste but the curious or genre interested amongst fantasy readers will likely find this to be of interest Hardcover
Møt meg i MOOLAWATANA By Øyvind Myhre |
8202110629 |
9788202110628 |
Norwegian |
154 |
Hardcover |
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