This America: The Case for the Nation By Jill Lepore

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The American Dream and the history behind it Oddly there was no mention of Howard Zinn s history This is an honest expose on some of the worst trends in governance Ms Lepore is a very important historian with a conscience who has done the work to back up her point of view Her argument is undeniable for anyone who chooses to read books like this The real problem is brought to the fore because those who need to read such books do not 160 A dense piece of longform journalism between hardcovers Lepore makes a persuasive case for a return to liberalism by writing and thereby teaching a inclusive history of the United States to reflect the entire American experience.

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And the great and beautiful things that make up this country It requires that we look both backwards and forward If people care about this country they must start asking and answering the questions that matter Otherwise the Donald Trumps will declare America a carnage They ll call immigrants animals and other countries shitholes They call themselves nationalists They ll say they can make America great again. This american life host This book is very short and a fast read The author does skim over lightly some of the points I would have liked a little analysis and explanation of some points I understand it is a book that was expanded from a lecture Nevertheless it is an interesting perspective on the current writing of American History 160 To love this particular nation is to love the world. This american journey book and music This America is a community of belonging and commitment.

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Civic nationalism She chronicles the history of these two nationalisms and the struggle that historians have in studying it This is a great follow up to her book These Truths A History of the United States Lepore is a great historian because she knows how to place our current moment in the grand timeline of United States history. Latin america in the modern world ebook Read of my reviews on Ballasts for the Mind 160 Jill Lepore s Case For The NationThe renowned historian Jill Lepore s 2018 book These Truths was the first single volume history in decades of the United States from Christopher Columbus voyage in 1492 to the election to the presidency of Donald Trump in 2016 Lepore has followed up her history with a much shorter but equally ambitious work This America The Case for the Nation 2019 in which she argues for the importance of writing a broad based national history of the type she wrote in These Truths It is important to understand how Lepore s question arises As she explains.

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You are not the only person who loves America that s all she wants us to know Loved this book 160 I m not sure why this book was necessary I read these truths which was good and super long This seems like maybe it was a cut chapter or 3 from the book that justifies grand histories I really didn t learn all that much it was too short for a stand alone book and too long for an epilogue 160 A very erudite and thorough analysis of Nationalism not just the White one She begins and ends with the 1987 speech Stanford historian Carl Degler delivered to the American Historical AssociationDegler a gentle and quietly heroic man accused his colleagues of nothing short of dereliction of duty appalled by nationalism they had abandoned the study of the nation. This american life podcast episodes The fascism communism and totalitarianism that gave rise to World War II had so horrified historians that they had left writing about the formation of individual nations nations being a relatively recent construct in the history of humankind she points out to concentrate on globalism In the meantime nationalism or tribalism was left to flourish unobserved resulting in where we are today She concludesif people who care about the nation s past and future and the endurance of liberal democratic nations don t start asking and answering those sorts of question Degler warned other people will The ll declare America a carnage They ll call immigrants animals and other countries shitholes They call themselves nationlists They ll say they can make America great again Their history will be a fiction They will say that they alone love this country They will be wrong. African american fiction free kindle books I don t know that writing history as a true reflection of who we are is a cure all for what ails us and Lepore doesn t say it is But it would be a start 160 Jill Lepore s This America caught my eye as a quick read in my recent trip to Seattle However when I began reading I realized that I d need to read it with a critical eye as there are many sleights of hand that she uses to stultify the reader. Good morning america book club Lepore s fault is not in her scholarship historical research it is in her philosophical approach namely the use of logical fallacies These intellectual shortcuts are innately flabby and cursory digging will reveal that the emperor wears no clothes Lepore depends mostly on appeals to emotion capitalizing on the polarizing figure that is President Trump She uses the abhorrence that her liberal readers have for him to connect him to fascism without any evidence that he has done anything remotely comparable This is categorically fear mongering. American airlines book a flight She also relies on the black white fallacy by separating her historical persons into 1 of 2 camps with no room for gray areas She treats each of these individuals as bellwethers for her topic du jour For example on issues of race she relies on the testimony of Martin Luther King Jr. The timeline and history of yoga in america but never mentions the fact that he was a Republican and that the majority of racists he was battling were Democrats She relies heavily on Frederick Douglass but never mentions that he never saw himself as a victim due to his race In fact Douglass is ever ebullient to the power of the national story to awaken slaves from their slumber and take responsibility for their actions. Good morning america book club Without entering into spoilers her argument largely hinges on her desire to end nationalism altogether but she never provides reasonable alternatives that are attuned to how humans really behave For such a scholar of her bonafides she ignores the importance of a national story in compelling others to care for the other Social science has largely verified that humans are incapable of caring for than roughly 150 individuals see Dunbar s number It seems to me that many of the radical left are satisfied with destroying statues and histories but never recommend anything to supplant the national story There can be no alternative as long as humans continue to be fallible We are left with no heroes and no story. This american story podcast Oblivion is not the answer If we are to be unmoored from everything that unifies us then we are just lost in the void This is an ultimately unhopeful untimely place for all mankind 160 This America: The Case for the NationAt a campaign rally in the fall of 2018 Donald Trump said You know what a globalist is right A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well frankly not caring about our country so much And you know what We can t have that You know they have a word it sort of became old fashioned it s called a nationalist And I say really we re not suppose to use that word You know what I am He poked his chest I m a nationalist okay This was during a time when his campaign was constantly touting building a wall to stop immigrants from entering the country. American airlines book a flight Jill LePore in this short book outlines the history of the word nationalist Originally the word was sometimes used to mean patriotism but in the early part of the twentieth century with the rise of fascism it began to mean less a love for your own country than a hatred of other countries and their people and a hatred of people within your own country who don t belong to an ethnic racial or religious majority In the sixties after decades of white liberals failure to confront racism black nationalism surged In 1964 Malcolm X said If you and I were Americans there d be no problem Those Honkies that just got off the boat they re already Americans Polacks are already Americans the Italian refugees are already Americans Everything that came out of Europe every blue eyed thing is already an American And as long as you and I have been over here we aren t Americans yet Histories recently have not been about the United States but merely in the United States An example given are the books by Fox News s Bill Reilly starting with Killing Lincoln. American gods book The history of the United States requires a reckoning of its sorrows and it glories It must tell the truth about the hideous mistakes the frightful wrongs held together by the strength of our ideas and by the force of our disagreements. This america charlie brown Nationalism has gotten a lot of attention in the past few years especially with the rise of Donald Trump and far right populist figures in Europe If you are like me then you probably think the word nationalism brings with it a negative connotation you and I are partly right Lepore argues in this little book that there are two nationalisms the illiberal ethnic version that we all know too well and the positive liberal American historians had essentially abandoned the project of writing a national history turning instead to larger globally based histories or to smaller based histories of particular groups or narrower issues Among the reasons for this shift was a strong distrust for the concept of nationalism Historians came to distrust nationalism due to the terrible wars and hatreds with a nationalistic source in the 20th century With historians moving away from thinking about the United States as a nation Lepore argues the way was cleared for less scholarly and thoughtful writers to appropriate a nationalistic theme for themselves For Lepore this result has in fact happened with unfortunate results In This America an expanded essay and a meditation than a full development of an idea argues for the importance of thinking and writing about American nationhood. American born chinese epub download This America is a fascinating thoughtful book and a worthy successor to Lepore s These Truths But the book is also cluttered It constitutes in part a short history of its own from the United States from the early days to the present focusing on the different ways Americans have understood nationhood The book is also a historiography a history of the ways of writing history in the way American historians have approached their task beginning with George Bancroft s history written during the time of Andrew Jackson Lepore s scope and erudition are inspiring The treatment of many figures in the book were rushed however to get to a point I wanted to hear about some of the ideas of the people Lepore describes before moving on This is another way of saying that there may be nuances to the concept of the American nation and in writing about the American nation than are explored in this short essay And the history historiography and discussion of nations and states and their relationship is difficult to integrate in the brevity of the book. History of halloween in america Lepore finds a uniqueness and a value to the United States in the way it moved from thirteen virtually separate colonies through the formation of a confederation to the formation of a nation She sees an America founded on Enlightenment ideals with free individuals endowed with rights irrespective of race creed sex or national background America was a beacon to individuals sharing these ideals and wanting to live by them rather than a nation defined by particular religion or ethnicity and especially defined by the hatred of others From the beginning however America fell short in many ways in living up to its commitments in its treatment of slaves native Americans and prospective immigrants among other peoples Lepore wants Americans to think of themselves as a nation and to see how we have fallen short in realizing the ideals we have professed and to work towards doing better. This america book As I understand her Lepore argues for a renewed appreciation of love of country and patriotism than has been common in recent years In short patriotism should not be left only to the political right Patriotism and a sense of nationhood should be based in Lepore s account on an understanding of the values on which the country was founded and especially on the ways in which the country has historically fallen well short of realizing these values I was reminded of the philosopher Richard Rorty who made a similar point in his book Achieving Our Country Leftist Thought in Twentieth Century America Rorty s politics may have been of a left leaning cast than Lepore s but they share a commitment to the importance of country and patriotism. American prometheus book Without taking away from Lepore s emphasis on the way the United States has fallen short of realizing its ideals I found important Lepore s emphasis on love of country and on the importance of studying the United States as a nation These insights are vital and too often ignored or deprecated Lepore s book sometimes is too dogmatic and brisk in taking specific policy positions with which as she says at one point reasonable persons may disagree Still at its most valuable level Lepore s book teaches the importance of Americans loving and respecting their country while working to correct its flaws and injustices. American airlines book a flight Robin Friedman 160 Jill Lepore has written a new book arguing for an American nationalism The book is short and like an extended essay than a full book That is OK This America is an excellent book and a quick and enjoyable read. Thisamericangirl detox The book examines two senses of nationalism One an exclusive nationalism based on language religion race or some other catchall category The other is an inclusive nationalism associated by some with liberal democracy which argues for a broad national membership that asks citizens to share the core beliefs of a country irrespective of their demographic class or historical origins The idea of nationalism is a recent one and over the past two centuries or so exclusive nationalisms have played a large role in wars oppression enslavement colonialism and other ills of the modern world Inclusive nationalism and liberal democracy Lepore suggests do not have these associations The trouble is that US history has had than its share of both types of nationalism and that the America of e pluribus unum is a close neighbor to the American of Manifest Destiny and slavery. This america childish gambino A critical argument of the book is that with the end of the Cold War and other developments there has been a tendency among historians and other scholars to take the case for liberal inclusive nationalism as given and to assume that exclusive aggressive nationalism is now defunct The problem is that the other nationalism never went away and in recent years has returned with a vengeance into US political life as well as in Europe and Russia As a result the case must again be made for an inclusive American nationalism and against a darker nationalist argument These arguments are not new with Lepore s new book but have been around for a while It is refreshing to have them argued so powerfully by Professor Lepore. This america book The immediate impetus for the book appears to have been an appearance in October 2018 by the current President in which he claimed that he was now a nationalist and urged his supporters to use that word clearly a reference to exclusive nationalism If this is so then it suggests that in spite of himself the President may eventually help enrich our intellectual life by attracting other thinkers to enter the fray and write in response to his rhetoric I look forward to that 160 In 2018 Jill Lepore wrote what I would consider to be the best single volume history of the United States titled These Truths The theme was clear that the US despite its messy history was founded on admirable principles that it has slowly and arduously fought to live up to and continues to do so The result was an objective history one that didn t hide from the atrocities or ignore the positives centered around a unifying and inspiring theme. Poverty by america epub download It is in comparison to this 789 page masterpiece that makes it difficult to fairly judge Lepore s latest book This America The Case for the Nation At a short 138 pages This America is a long form essay than a book as the author acknowledges It also in what is both a positive and a negative repeats much of the content and underlying themes from These Truths. American psycho book On its own merits though as a short book This America is an exceptional work Lepore has become one of my favorite authors and in this book she packs a lot of scholarship in a limited number of pages presenting a concise history of US nationalism and a strong case for a new Americanism The book begins with a warning delivered in 1986 by Stanford historian Carl N Degler who said If we historians fail to provide a nationally defined history others less critical and less informed will take over the job The problem is that serious historians put off by twentieth century ethnic nationalism had stopped writing national histories opting instead to write either global histories or else focus narrowly on racial or class based histories As Lepore wrote Nations to make sense of themselves need some kind of agreed upon past They can get it from scholars or they can get it from demagogues but get it they will. American born chinese book When serious historians abandon the study of the nation when scholars stop trying to write a common history for a people nationalism doesn t die Instead it eats liberalism One of the consequences of this is that nationalism and patriotism have been conflated The terms used to mean the same thing but as Lepore wrote with the rise of fascism in the early twentieth century nationalism had come to mean something different from patriotism something fierce something violent less a love for your own country than a hatred of other countries and their people and a hatred of people within your own country who don t belong to an ethnic racial or religious majority Patriotism has been co opted by ethnic nationalists who create the impression that they are the only ones who truly care about their country And those who seek a unified national narrative have no alternative liberal view as the intellectual left has given up on the project This is part of the reason I hold These Truths in such high regard it provides this national narrative in the liberal tradition from a serious scholar And like I mentioned above it doesn t hide from the atrocities America has committed but it doesn t focus on them at the exclusion of the better story America living up to its founding ideals As Lepore wrote A nation founded on the idea that all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights and offering asylum to anyone suffering from persecution is a beacon to the world This is America at its best a nation that welcomes dissent protects free speech nurtures invention and makes possible almost unbelievable growth and prosperity But a nation founded on ideals universal truths also opens itself up to charges of hypocrisy at every turn Nations get things wrong as any account of US history can attest to and we re probably getting plenty of things wrong now But as long as the rights of free speech and press are protected those wrongs can be challenged and corrected The history of the nation IS that struggle for continual correction and moral progress Instead of looking back at contempt for the injustices that plague our history we can in equal measure celebrate the progress we ve made based on our constitutional and moral identity Rather than making America great again the goal is to make it better than before through constant vigilance in ensuring that the founding principles are not violated and that we strive to get closer to the founding ideals of equality equal treatment under the law and judgment on the basis of character alone The demonizing rhetoric of the ethnic nationalist full of hatred and fear and contempt and irrationality rhetoric that could not be different from the language of the founders must be countered with the opposite reason and hope The country was founded and has made great progress on a deeply moral commitment to equality and dignity As Lepore wrote the United States holds to these truths all of us are equal we are equal as citizens and we are equal under the lawanyone who affirms these truths and believes that we should govern our common life together belongs in this country This is America s best idea 160

This America: The Case for the Nation By Jill Lepore
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At a time of much despair over the future of liberal democracy Jill Lepore makes a stirring case for the nation in This America a follow up to her much celebrated history of the United States These Truths With dangerous forms of nationalism on the rise Lepore a Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer repudiates nationalism here by explaining its long history and the history of the idea of the nation itself while calling for a new Americanism a generous patriotism that requires an honest reckoning with America s past Lepore begins her argument with a primer on the origins of nations explaining how liberalism the nation state and liberal nationalism developed together Illiberal nationalism however emerged in the United States after the Civil War resulting in the failure of Reconstruction the rise of Jim Crow and the restriction of immigration Much of American history Lepore argues has been a battle between these two forms of nationalism liberal and illiberal all the way down to the nation s latest bitter struggles over immigration Defending liberalism as This America demonstrates requires making the case for the nation But American historians largely abandoned that defense in the 1960s when they stopped writing national history By the 1980s they d stopped studying the nation state altogether and embraced globalism instead When serious historians abandon the study of the nation Lepore tellingly writes nationalism doesn t die Instead it eats liberalism But liberalism is still in there Lepore affirms and This America is an attempt to pull it out In a world made up of nations there is no powerful way to fight the forces of prejudice intolerance and injustice than by a dedication to equality citizenship and equal rights as guaranteed by a nation of laws A manifesto for a better nation and a call for a new Americanism This America reclaims the nation s future by reclaiming its past This America The Case for the NationJill Lepore is the David Woods Kemper 41 Professor of American History Harvard College Professor and chair of Harvards History and Literature Program She is also a staff writer at The New Yorker Winner of the Anisfield Wolf Award for the best non fiction book on race and a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize The Name of War Knopf 1998 winner of the Bancroft Prize the Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize and the Berkshire Prize and a finalist for the J Anthony Lukas Award A co founder of the magazine Common place Lepore s essays and reviews have also appeared in the New York Times the Times Literary Supplement American Scholar the Los Angeles Times the Washington Post The Daily Beast the Journal of American History and American Quart Jill Lepore is the David Woods Kemper 41 Professor of American History Harvard College Professor and chair of Harvard s History and Literature Program She is also a staff writer at The New Yorker Winner of the Anisfield Wolf Award for the best non fiction book on race and a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize The Name of War Knopf 1998 winner of the Bancroft Prize the Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize and the Berkshire Prize and a finalist for the J Anthony Lukas Award A co founder of the magazine Common place Lepore s essays and reviews have also appeared in the New York Times the Times Literary Supplement American Scholar the Los Angeles Times the Washington Post The Daily Beast the Journal of American History and American Quarterly Her research has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities the Pew Foundation the Gilder Lehrman Institute the Charles Warren Center and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation She has served as a consultant for the National Park Service and currently serves on the boards of the National Portrait Gallery and the Society of American Historians.Jill lives in CambridgeMassachusetts site_link.